Ecoshred UK

All Areas: 0800 612 9595
Manchester/Cheshire: 01925 650075
Merseyside/Lancs: 0151 424 0470

The North West’s leading eco-friendly
document shredding collection service

What Is Confidential Data?

Useful Information


What is confidential data?

Confidential data can come in many forms. Any data containing personal or company information should be securely destroyed, so you should dispose of it safely from your business before somebody else does!

Over 90% of prosecutions brought under the Data Protection Act in the last five years have been successful - so protecting the confidentiality of data during disposal has never been more important.

If data about your employees, past or present, customers, suppliers or any other personnel gets into the wrong hands, the impact can be catastrophic.

Your waste may contain information about:

If data about your employees, past or present, customers, suppliers or any other personnel gets into the wrong hands, the impact can be catastrophic.

  • Personnel
  • Accounts and VAT records
  • Social security and PAYE details
  • Commercial information
  • Photocopies
  • Faxes
  • Computer printouts
  • Archived materials
  • Sales enquiries
  • Blueprints
  • Brands

The lists are endless and the risk of prosecution is high if you don’t dispose of this data securely

Data Protection

The Data Protection Act 1998 is the law which governs the processing of personal information on living people.

The Data Protection Act aims to promote high standards in the handling of personal information and so to protect the individual’s rights of privacy.

The Act requires that you are open and honest about your use of personal information and follow the 9 principles laid out under the law:

  1. Fairly and lawfully processed
  2. Processed for specific purposes
  3. Adequate, relevant and not excessive
  4. Accurate and kept up to date
  5. Not kept for longer than is necessary
  6. Processed in line with the individual
  7. Kept secure
  8. The responsibility of the Data Controller in your organization
  9. Not transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area

Penalties & Enforcements:

The information commissioner oversees legal requirements of the Act and failure to comply can result in a Criminal Prosecution.

Failure to notify carries a maximum penalty of £500,000 plus Magistrates Courts or an unlimited fine in a Crown Court.

Individuals who suffer damage or distress from compliance failures can also apply to the Court for compensation.

Are you complying with the Data Protection Act by keeping information secure or destroying with auditable trails?

For more information on the Data Protection Act visit