Client Testimonials
Ecoshred - Thank you for your continuing helpful service... No complaints...
In my role as Facilities Manager of a large corporate law firm, I have utilised the services of ecoshred. Their main responsibilities are the on-site weekly collection and destruction of all of our confidential and non-confidential paper & waste. This contract continues to be a great success as ecoshred deliver a first class service to our business at all times. All aspects of their working practices and procedures within the office environment are highly commendable. They have over the past few years established a great rapport with Partners, Managers and Support Staff in both our Mancester and Warrington offices. Ecoshreds ability to react swiftly to urgent office clear out requests etc has made their company very valuable to our business. I would highly recommend ecoshred to any organisation looking for a solution to confidential shredding and destruction.
May I use this opportunity to let you know that your operatives are at ecoshred are excellent - always very polite and efficient.
We currently use ecoshred for the destruction of our confidential paper waste material, which is shredded on-site at our offices. The cabinets that are provided by ecoshred for our offices are all lockable which gives that added extra security. Once on the site they go about their business in a quiet and professional manner so not to disturb working staff. Once ecoshreds work is complete a Destruction Certificate is issued for all work carried out. I have found ecoshreds service to be both friendly and reliable, more importantly in these times, very competitive.
Very happy with the ecoshred service and with the operatives...
The service provided by ecoshred is still 1st class, especially today - last week we had a major accident on site which resulted in 2 wheelie bins being damaged. I rang ecoshred this morning to
request replacement bins and they will be delivered tomorrow morning - can't really get any better than that!